1,997 research outputs found

    Étude croisĂ©e des reprĂ©sentations des concepteurs et usagers de deux Ă©co-quartiers : Ă©chafaudage thĂ©orique et mĂ©thodologique

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    International audienceThe goal of our research is to understand how designers and daily users picture the same urban project, namely an ecological neighborhood, and how this picturing is built and influences other’s perception. We call respectively these representations conceived space and expected space. Our hypothesis is that a fluctuating gap exists between these two spaces and that it is due to representation differences of what should be a “good” space. We then try to access these representations. We proceed in two steps: we attempt to collect the perceptions of daily users before calling in the designers so as to collect their very own views. This contribution presents the theoretical and methodological construction of our research.L’objectif de notre recherche est de comprendre comment se construisent et s’influencent mutuellement les reprĂ©sentations d’une mĂȘme opĂ©ration d’urbanisme, en l’occurrence un Ă©co-quartier, pour ses concepteurs, l’espace conçu, et pour ceux qui la reçoivent (usagers quotidiens de l’espace), l’espace attendu. L’hypothĂšse est l’existence d’un dĂ©calage fluctuant entre ces deux espaces et qu’il provient de reprĂ©sentations diffĂ©rentes de ce que doit ĂȘtre un « bon » espace. Nous cherchons alors Ă  accĂ©der Ă  ces reprĂ©sentations. Nous procĂ©dons en deux Ă©tapes, tentant de percer d’abord les reprĂ©sentations des usagers quotidiens avant d’y confronter les concepteurs pour saisir les leurs. Nous prĂ©sentons ici la construction thĂ©orique et mĂ©thodologique de cette recherche

    La production de l’urbain durable. L’enrĂŽlement des concepteurs et des habitants par l’intĂ©gration des contradictions

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    The influence of neoliberalism on the production of urban spaces results in the commodification of spaces, the competition between cities, and the metropolisation process. It also generates the spread of watchwords, among which “project”, “sustainable urban development”, “participation” and “social diversity” are the most common.This creates contradictions between the rhetorical and practical aspects of the urban production: the opposition between the theoretically infinite horizon of the urban project on one side, and its realization in timed operations on the other side ; the gap between the values of sustainable urban development, and its achievements dictated by economic imperatives ; the contradiction between the injunction to participate and urban planning as a practice that remains top down ; the gap between advocated social diversity and socially selective urbanization.These contradictions are identified by both designers and inhabitants. However, despite their criticism, the level of conflict in contemporary urban production remains low. Therefore, this work aims to understand and explain which function these contradictions occupy, since they do not lead to an opposition.To achieve this objective, the thesis bases itself on structural constructivism, and the use of representations. Access to the representations of inhabitants and designers is achieved through the collection and analysis of their discourses on two emblematic projects, that are approached as mediation apparatuses of their representations: BottiĂšre-ChĂ©naie in Nantes and Confluence in Lyon.The analysis shows that the contradictions that were identified are integrated into the production mode. Their function is to mobilize: they are part of the enrollment of designers and inhabitants in the contemporary urban production.La production de l’espace urbain vise Ă  la fois l’établissement d’une rĂ©alitĂ© matĂ©rielle, et la transmission de valeurs. Celle-ci s’effectue Ă  travers les rĂ©alisations matĂ©rielles, et la diffusion de discours thĂ©oriques et pratiques sur la ville et l’espace. Chaque Ă©poque se caractĂ©rise par son mode de spatialisation qui reflĂšte l’idĂ©ologie dominante et influence les reprĂ©sentations des acteurs, parmi lesquels ses concepteurs et ses habitants. La production contemporaine de l’urbain est ainsi marquĂ©e par le nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme. Cela se traduit par deux phĂ©nomĂšnes, d’une part, la marchandisation des espaces au service des intĂ©rĂȘts des villes, en concurrence Ă  l’échelle mondiale, et le processus de mĂ©tropolisation qui concentre les valeurs dans, et autour, des plus grosses d’entre elles. Cela se traduit, d’autre part, par la diffusion gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de certains mots d’ordre. Les plus rĂ©pandus sont le projet, le dĂ©veloppement urbain durable, la participation et la mixitĂ© sociale. Ce contexte et ces mots d’ordre introduisent des contradictions entre la rhĂ©torique et la pragmatique de la production de l’urbain. Quatre sont principalement identifiĂ©es : l’opposition entre l’horizon thĂ©oriquement infini du projet, et sa concrĂ©tisation dans des opĂ©rations au temps limitĂ© et cadrĂ© ; le dĂ©calage entre les valeurs associĂ©es au dĂ©veloppement urbain durable, et des rĂ©alisations dictĂ©es par des impĂ©ratifs Ă©conomiques ; la contradiction entre l’injonction Ă  la participation, et une pratique de l’urbanisme demeurant descendante ; l’écart entre une mixitĂ© prĂŽnĂ©e, et une urbanisation socialement sĂ©lective.Bien que concepteurs et habitants identifient ces contradictions, et tiennent des discours critiques vis-Ă -vis de cette production, peu de conflictualitĂ©, sinon pas, Ă©merge et en rĂ©sulte. Partant de l’idĂ©e que si elles ne conduisent pas Ă  l’opposition, ou au conflit, ces contradictions occupent une autre fonction, l’objectif de ce travail est de la mettre Ă  jour, de l’interroger et de l’expliquer. Il en dĂ©coule le jeu d’hypothĂšses suivant. La premiĂšre est que cette fonction est d’ordre relationnelle, la deuxiĂšme est qu’il est possible de la rendre intelligible par l’étude dialectique, des reprĂ©sentations des deux groupes sociaux, de projets emblĂ©matiques, et la troisiĂšme est que celles-ci sont accessibles par les discours. À partir de ces hypothĂšses, et d’un positionnement critique sont dĂ©veloppĂ©es les approches Ă©pistĂ©mologique, thĂ©orique, et mĂ©thodologique de la thĂšse. Elle s’appuie sur une Ă©pistĂ©mologie constructivo-structuraliste, et sur l’outil conceptuel que sont les reprĂ©sentations. Ces choix conduisent Ă  modĂ©liser le projet urbain comme un dispositif de mĂ©diation des reprĂ©sentations des concepteurs et des habitants. Puis, ils dĂ©finissent les conditions qui rendent possible le fait Ă  la saisie par les discours. Aussi, la mĂ©thode inhĂ©rente au travail est double : des visites libres et des entretiens semi directifs ; le couplage d’outils d’analyse de discours, et de contenu.L’examen des propos, recueillis auprĂšs des acteurs des projets d’écoquartiers de BottiĂšre-ChĂ©naie (Nantes), et de Confluence (Lyon), montre que les contradictions mises en Ă©vidence sont intĂ©grĂ©es au mode de production. Ainsi, elles n’occupent, non pas une fonction oppositionnelle mais mobilisationelle puisqu’elles participent, par diffĂ©rentes logiques, Ă  enrĂŽler concepteurs et habitants, consolidant ainsi la production contemporaine de l’urbain

    L’injonction aux comportements « durables », nouveau motif de production d’indĂ©sirabilitĂ©

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    Les projets urbains dits durables se sont multipliĂ©s durant la dĂ©cennie derniĂšre. MatĂ©riellement standardisĂ©s, ils sont aussi accompagnĂ©s de la diffusion d’attendus comportementaux Ă  destination des habitants. Ceux-ci sont incitĂ©s Ă  adopter des comportements « éco-citoyens » (faible utilisation de l’automobile, tri des dĂ©chets, consommation dite responsable) censĂ©s ĂȘtre plus « vertueux ». Outre les Ă©lus et les communicants, les concepteurs (urbanistes, architectes, paysagistes) et certains habitants de ces projets diffusent ces attendus comportementaux. Les jugements moraux associĂ©s aux comportements sont vite transfĂ©rĂ©s aux individus et aux groupes. Ceux qui les mettent en Ɠuvre sont lĂ©gitimĂ©s, Ă  l’inverse de ceux qui ne les adoptent pas. Nous observons un processus de catĂ©gorisation qui distin­gue usagers lĂ©gitimĂ©s ou indĂ©sirables en vertu de la conformitĂ© ou non de leurs pratiques avec les valeurs durabilistes. En l’occurrence, ce sont les habitants des logements sociaux et ceux issus des classes populaires qui sont montrĂ©s du doigt. L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre comment le dĂ©veloppement urbain durable rĂ©nove les motifs de production de l’indĂ©sirabilitĂ©. Cet article s’appuie sur l’analyse de 71 entretiens rĂ©alisĂ©s avec les concepteurs et les habitants de deux projets urbains emblĂ©matiques de la production contemporaine : BottiĂšre-ChĂ©naie, Ă  Nantes, et Confluence, Ă  Lyon. Notre enquĂȘte montre une redĂ©finition du groupe social habitant en fonction de la conformitĂ© ou non de ses membres Ă  la nouvelle norme qu’est le dĂ©veloppement urbain durable.Sustainable urban projects have multiplied during the last decade. Materially standardized, they are also accompanied by the dissemination of “expected behaviors” for inhabitants. They are encouraged to adopt « eco-citizen » behaviors (low car use, waste sorting, responsible consumption) that are supposed to be more « virtuous ». In addition to elected officials and communicators, designers (urban planners, architects, landscapers) and some inhabitants of these projects disseminate these “expected behabiors”. The moral judgments associated with behaviors are quickly transferred to individuals and groups. Those who take on them are legitimized, unlike those who do not. Thus, we observe a categorization process that distinguishes legitimate or undesirable users under the compliance or their practices to the sustainable norm. In this case, the inhabitants who are being blamed are those of social housing and those from the lower classes. This article purpose is to understand how urban sustainable development renews the patterns for of undesirability production. This article is based on the analysis of 71 interviews with the designers and inhabitants of two projects that are emblematic of contemporary urban production: BottiĂšre-ChĂ©naie, in Nantes and Confluence, in Lyon. Our survey shows a redefinition of the inhabitant’s social group according to the compliance or not of its members to this new social norm

    Optimizing the investments in mobile networks and subscriber migrations for a telecommunication operator

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    We consider the context of a telecommunications company that is at the same time an infrastructure operator and a service provider. When planning its network expansion, the company can leverage over its knowledge of subscribers dynamic to better optimize the network dimensioning, therefore avoiding unnecessary costs. In this work, the network expansion represents the deployment and/or reinforcement of several technologies (e.g. 2G,3G,4G), assuming that subscribers to a given technology can be served by this technology or older ones. The operator can influence subscribers dynamic by subsidies. The planning is made over a discretized time horizon while some strategic guidelines requirements are demanded at the end of the time horizon. Following classical models, we consider that the behavior of customers follows an S-shape piecewise constant function. We propose a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming formulation and a heuristic algorithm for the multi-year planning problem. The scalability of the formulation and the quality of the heuristic are assessed numerically on real instances for a use-case with two generations

    Sentiment affirmé de priorité : temps de réponse, comportement de conduite et infrastructure routiÚre. Projet SANTAFE. Rapport intermédiaire n°1

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    Contrant Ifsttar/Fondation SĂ©curitĂ© RoutiĂšreSANTAFE pose l'hypothĂšse de l'existence d'un sentiment de prioritĂ©, sentiment qui pourrait ĂȘtre amorcĂ© et/ou renforcĂ© par l'infrastructure et par l'optimisme comparatif, et qui entrainerait les conducteurs Ă  rĂ©agir tardivement en situation d'accident. Il s’agit de mesurer sur simulateur le temps de rĂ©ponse de conducteurs confrontĂ©s Ă  un vĂ©hicule non prioritaire engagĂ© dans une intersection en manipulant un certain nombre d’indices environnementaux (absence, prĂ©sence de signalisation) mais aussi en manipulant la consigne donnĂ©e aux participants afin de mieux estimer l’influence de ces facteurs sur le sentiment de prioritĂ©. Le circuit simulĂ© est directement inspirĂ© d’une infrastructure rĂ©elle situĂ©e en milieu pĂ©ri-urbain issue d’amĂ©nagements routiers dĂ©crits dans les Etudes DĂ©taillĂ©es d’accidents. Le type de rĂ©action, le temps de rĂ©ponse et les moyens mis en Âœuvre par le participant seront enregistrĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es recueillies, temps de rĂ©ponse, vitesse, tĂ©moignent de la confiance du conducteur quant Ă  la situation. Par ces rĂ©sultats, nous tenterons de mesurer le 'sur–temps de rĂ©ponse' gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par le sentiment affirmĂ© de prioritĂ©. Par ailleurs, outre les variables objectives manipulĂ©es et mesurĂ©es, la recherche tente de faire le lien avec la variable psycho-sociale d'optimisme comparatif en ayant recours Ă  un questionnaire. Nous faisons l'hypothĂšse que le sentiment de prioritĂ© pourra ĂȘtre modulĂ© par l'optimisme comparatif quant Ă  la probabilitĂ© d'ĂȘtre victime d'un accident de la route, mais Ă©galement quant aux capacitĂ©s de conduite. Il sera alors possible de comparer des donnĂ©es comportementales objectives, enregistrĂ©es par le simulateur, Ă  des donnĂ©es subjectives, issues des questionnaires et d’établir ainsi l’importance des liens entre donnĂ©es objectives et subjectives. Ce premier rapport rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  12 mois du lancement du projet, dĂ©finit les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de prĂ©paration des expĂ©rimentations : Ă©laboration du scĂ©nario et des images utilisĂ©es sur le simulateur de conduite et la rĂ©alisation du questionnaire prĂ©liminaire de psychologie sociale

    A three-component Breakfast Quality Score (BQS) to evaluate the nutrient density of breakfast meals

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    BackgroundNutrient profiling methods can be applied to individual foods or to composite meals. This article introduces a new method to assess the nutrient density of breakfast meals.ObjectiveThis study aimed to develop a new breakfast quality score (BQS), based on the nutrient standards previously published by the International Breakfast Research Initiative (IBRI) consortium.MethodsBQS was composed of three sub-scores derived from the weighted arithmetic mean of corresponding nutrient adequacy: an eLIMf sub-score (energy, saturated fat, free sugars, and sodium), a PF (protein and fiber) sub-score, and a VMn1 − 14 micronutrient sub-score, where n varied from 0 to 14. The effects of assigning different weights to the eLIMf, PF, and VMn were explored in four alternative models. The micronutrients were calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and vitamin D. Micronutrient permutations were used to develop alternate VMn1 − 14 sub-scores. The breakfast database used in this study came from all breakfasts declared as consumed by adults (>18 years old) in the French dietary survey INCA3. All models were tested with respect to the Nutrient Rich Food Index (NRF9.3). BQS sensitivity was tested using three prototype French breakfasts, for which improvements were made.ResultsThe correlations of the models with NRF9.3 improved when the VMn>3 sub-score (n > 3) was included alongside the PF and eLIMf sub-scores. The model with (PF+VMn) and eLIMf each accounting for 50% of the total score showed the highest correlations with NRF9.3 and was the preferred final score (i.e., BQS). BQS was sensitive to the changing quality of three prototype breakfasts defined as tartine, sandwich, and cereal.ConclusionThe proposed BQS was shown to valuably rank the nutritional density of breakfast meals against a set of nutrient recommendations. It includes nutrients to limit along with protein, fiber, and a variable number of micronutrients to encourage. The flexible VMn sub-score allows for the evaluation of breakfast quality even when nutrient composition data are limited

    Conformal Robotic Stereolithography

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    Additive manufacturing by layerwise photopolymerization, commonly called stereolithography (SLA), is attractive due to its high resolution and diversity of materials chemistry. However, traditional SLA methods are restricted to planar substrates and planar layers that are perpendicular to a single-axis build direction. Here, we present a robotic system that is capable of maskless layerwise photopolymerization on curved surfaces, enabling production of large-area conformal patterns and the construction of conformal freeform objects. The system comprises an industrial six-axis robot and a custom-built maskless projector end effector. Use of the system involves creating a mesh representation of the freeform substrate, generation of a triangulated toolpath with curved layers that represents the target object to be printed, precision mounting of the substrate in the robot workspace, and robotic photopatterning of the target object by coordinated motion of the robot and substrate. We demonstrate printing of conformal photopatterns on spheres of various sizes, and construction of miniature three-dimensional objects on spheres without requiring support features. Improvement of the motion accuracy and development of freeform toolpaths would enable construction of polymer objects that surpass the size and support structure constraints imparted by traditional SLA systems.American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipNational Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (University of Michigan Microfluidics in Biomedical Sciences Training Program. 5T32-EB005582)Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART

    The feasibility of meeting the WHO guidelines for sodium and potassium: a cross-national comparison study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine joint compliance with the WHO sodium-potassium goals in four different countries, using data from nationally representative dietary surveys. SETTING: Compared to national and international recommendations and guidelines, the world's population consumes too much sodium and inadequate amounts of potassium. The WHO recommends consuming less than 2000 mg sodium (86 mmol) and at least 3510 mg potassium (90 mmol) per person per day. PARTICIPANTS: Dietary surveillance data were obtained from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2007-2010) for the USA; the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2012 for Mexico; the Individual and National Study on Food Consumption (INCA2) for France; and the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) for the UK. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: We estimated the proportion of adults meeting the joint WHO sodium-potassium goals in the USA, the UK, France and Mexico. RESULTS: The upper bounds of joint compliance with the WHO sodium-potassium goals were estimated at 0.3% in the USA, 0.15% in Mexico, 0.5% in France and 0.1% in the UK. CONCLUSIONS: Given prevailing food consumption patterns and the current food supply, implementing WHO guidelines will be an enormous challenge for global public health.Supported by NIH grants R01 DK 077068-04 and R21 DK085406This is the final version. It was first published by BMJ Group at http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/5/3/e006625.ful
